A Beauty With Wrinkles

A Beauty With Wrinkles

A Beauty With Wrinkles

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Here’s a short inspirational story about a beautiful woman who is aging. I hope you like it. When you are already in your middle ages, healthy, with a good career, happily married and kids like everyone would like to have, I guess you couldn’t ask for much from life.

Or could you? My name is Alona and my husband Paul and I were just living our lives without too many problems or worries. We had two great children: one son and one daughter, both teenagers – my son was eighteen years old and my daughter turned fifteen at that time – so we were a happy family.

I have always been a very positive person; I believed that everything happens for a reason and try to see the bright side of every situation. So when my doctor said I might be diagnosed with cancer, all I thought about was how lucky I was to find out before it became worse.

And then he started telling me all about the treatment. The chemo sessions would last for hours and make me feel really sick, but after a few months, they hoped I would recover completely.

Then there would be radiation treatments to kill any remaining cancer cells in my body. It sounded pretty scary, but what else can you do if faced with something like this? But Paul didn’t look scared at all. He looked sad…and guilty.

“What’s wrong?” I asked him. “Are you sorry that I’m going through all of this?”

He sighed deeply. “No,” he said quietly. “I am not.”

“Then why are you looking guilty?” I asked.

Paul hesitated for a moment, then said, “I don’t think I should have married you.”

My heart skipped a beat. This was definitely unexpected.

“Why didn’t you tell me this before?” I asked.

Paul looked at me sadly and said, “Because I didn’t want you to get hurt. I wanted you to live your life as normal, just as I did. I didn’t want you to worry about my illness. I know it sounds selfish but that’s how I felt.”

And then he told me the truth: “I met you just before my final exam. I was very stressed out and on the verge of failing. You came into my office to take some tests, and I saw you for the first time. I felt an instant attraction to you and thought that maybe, just maybe, things will turn around because of you.

After the exams ended, I went back to see you again and got your number. One day I called you and asked you out. We started dating. Soon I realized that you were everything I ever wanted in a girl. So I proposed to you and you said yes. We got married six months later. Every day since then has been the best day of my life. But now…”

“Now what?” I asked him.

“Well, you see, I am dying. I don’t have long left and I don’t want you to live with the burden of my sickness. I want you to forget about me and start a new life with someone else.”

My stomach churned. I couldn’t believe what he was saying! How could he say such a thing?! Wasn’t it cruel to dump me like that without giving me any warning? I am sure you have heard about people being dumped by their lovers, friends, and relatives, but no one expects to hear that from the man she loves and married only a few months ago!

“Don’t be ridiculous!” I cried. “You’re just trying to get rid of me because you don’t want to be responsible for taking care of me anymore.”

Paul stared at me sadly and said, “That is exactly what I am doing. I don’t want you to suffer, but I want you to have a life full of happiness and joy. I also know that if I stay with you, I’ll die sooner than I have to. So please understand me, my dear Alona. I didn’t want to leave you, but I had to.”

Paul was crying. I stood up to embrace him, but he pushed me away and walked out of the room. I sat there in shock, wondering what had happened to my marriage. Why did he do that? What did I do wrong? Who else did he meet during those six months? I picked up my phone and dialed his number.

There was no answer. I tried calling him several times, but he never answered. I was devastated.

The next morning I went to the hospital and found Paul sitting on a bench in the park, staring at the ground. I walked over to him and said, “What’s going on?”

Paul didn’t respond.

“Aren’t you going to tell me?” I asked.

Paul looked up, his eyes are red and swollen. Tears rolled down his cheeks. “Alona,” he replied softly.

I felt like the world was ending. “How did you find out?” I asked.

“I went to your apartment yesterday and found the door unlocked. When I entered, I saw our wedding album lying on the coffee table. I opened it and saw a letter addressed to me. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I read it. It said that you loved me and would always love me.

But you were leaving me because of my disease, so you didn’t want me to be responsible for your suffering and pain. The letter also mentioned that you found a doctor to help you cope with the stress and anxiety associated with my illness. But most importantly, it said that you were going to move on with your life and that I shouldn’t wait for you.”

“But why didn’t you tell me?” I asked. “Why didn’t you come to see me last night? Didn’t you think it was important?”

“Of course I did! I was waiting for you to call me, but you never did. I decided to go home and pack some clothes. I wanted to leave today. Then I received a text message from you asking me to come to the park. I thought it was strange, so I rushed here. I was really hoping that you would call me.”

“Then why didn’t you just tell me the truth?” I demanded.

“Because I don’t want you to suffer,” he said. “I don’t want you to feel guilty about my death. If I had told you, you would have been too sad. You wouldn’t have been able to function properly. Now, you have time to prepare yourself emotionally and mentally for my passing. And I’m sorry if this hurts you, but I don’t want you to remember me that way.”

His words cut me deep inside, and I knew that I was going to cry. “Where are you going?” I asked.

“To my parents’ house,” he said. “I can’t bear to stay at the apartment anymore. Not after everything that has happened. I don’t want to be reminded every day of all that we lost.”

I nodded. “Can I visit you there?” I asked.

“Yes, of course,” Paul replied. “Let’s meet as soon as possible.”

“Thank you,” I said. “And I’m sorry if I hurt you.”

“It’s okay,” Paul said. “Just promise me that you won’t be sad for too long. Remember, I’ve lived a full and happy life. Don’t be sad because I’m gone.”

I promised him that I would stop feeling sad. We hugged, and then Paul stood up and started walking towards the bus stop. Before he got onto the bus, he turned back and smiled at me. He waved goodbye, and then he disappeared into the crowd.


After a few days, I returned to my apartment. The first thing I noticed was that the door was locked. I wondered how someone could have entered without me noticing. I realized that the person who broke in must have been looking for Paul’s letter. I searched the entire apartment, but I didn’t find anything missing. I checked my laptop, and I saw that Paul had made an appointment with me through Skype.

The date of the meeting was set for Tuesday, and the time was 8:00 p.m. I stared at the computer screen in disbelief. Why would he make an appointment with me? I thought. How did he know that I had moved to New York? I looked around the room, but I couldn’t find any clues.

All I saw was a bunch of stuff lying on the floor. My laptop was gone, along with the documents I had written for the last six years. My files were still intact, though. I didn’t understand how that could happen.

I was sure that someone had broken in and stolen my laptop. But why would they take only my laptop and not the rest of my belongings? I tried to analyze the situation, but I wasn’t able to put together the pieces.

I called Paul, but the phone rang and kept ringing until I finally hung up. I didn’t know what to do. I sat on the sofa, and I began to cry. I cried for a long time, thinking about everything that Paul had done. I felt betrayed and angry at him.

For the first time in my life, I was confused about whether or not I should trust someone again. I was so furious that I threw my laptop against the wall. I picked it up, and I noticed that the screen was cracked. I wiped my tears away and went to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up late. I rushed to the kitchen and gulped down a glass of water. I poured myself a cup of coffee, and I took the elevator to the office. While walking down the hallway, I bumped into a man carrying some boxes. He was moving out. I apologized to him, and then we started chatting casually.

He told me that his new place was only five blocks away. We exchanged our contact details, and then he left. I continued to work on my computer, trying to organize my thoughts. A few minutes later, I received an email from a client. She was asking for an extension, and she didn’t seem satisfied with the work that I had already sent her.

I felt overwhelmed by all the things I needed to do, and I didn’t know where I was going to get the time.

After a while, I looked up and noticed that it was already past one o’clock. I quickly packed my laptop and ran out of the office. When I reached my apartment, I found my front door open. I stepped inside, and I noticed that most of my furniture had been taken away.

Only the bed and a small table were left. It was obvious that the thieves had searched the entire apartment thoroughly. They had even taken the empty pizza boxes and the dirty dishes that I had left on the counter.

As I walked through my apartment, I spotted something lying under a chair. I picked it up, and I discovered that it was a letter. The envelope read: Paul. It was addressed to me. I opened the letter and started reading. Here is the content of the letter:

 Dear Rachel,

 You probably don’t remember me. Our paths crossed many years ago. I used to live in the same neighborhood as you, and we were neighbors for about two months. I am writing this letter to let you know that I have passed away peacefully today. I would like to apologize to you for everything that I did to you.

I had no right to use your name and to deceive you. I didn’t want to do this to you, but I couldn’t think of another way to help you.

I wanted you to feel happy again, and I knew that the best way to achieve this would be to help you forget about me. I hope that you will forgive me someday. I also wanted to thank you for helping me when I was in need. You gave me courage, and I managed to find happiness thanks to you.

I know that you are now living your dream in New York City, and I am very proud of you. I wish you all the luck in the world.



I read the letter several times, and I felt dizzy. I was overcome by sadness and confusion. I didn’t understand what it meant. What did Paul mean when he said that he loved me? I remembered that he once told me that he hated me. Why would he write such a letter if he still hated me?

Was he trying to make peace with me before he died? I didn’t understand anything anymore, and I felt lost in the middle of nowhere. My mind was completely foggy, and I was unable to concentrate on anything. I sat on the sofa and tried to clear my head.

After a while, I got off the sofa and went to the bedroom. I opened the closet and saw that everything had been taken away. There was nothing left except for the clothes hanging in the wardrobe.

I came back to the living room and sat on the floor. I was staring at the letter, and I was wondering how Paul could be so brave to write such a letter. He must have been suffering terribly while he was writing it. I closed my eyes and imagined him lying on his hospital bed, fighting for his life.

I wondered who the person was that he had written the letter. Did he write it for me, or was he writing it for someone else? I didn’t know the answer, but I knew that I would never find out. This was the last thing that Paul had left behind for me.

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